Not another COVID 19 Birthday Coming

So I got my Pfizer-BioNtech covid shot on Thursday! It’s been interesting seeing my immune system react to it. Nothing super alarming, I was super sleepy for a couple of days though. My arm was also sore, not like a muscle soreness tho, more like a soreness at the injection site. I’ve been feeling pretty good otherwise. This morning for an hour my nose was constantly running, and then it stopped. I don’t know if that’s the vaccine though or my allergies I have been struggling with for weeks. It did seem weird that it only happened for an hour tho.

I was reading something promising that although they call it a 95% efficacy rate, actually only 0.04% of vaccinated people got coronavirus. So it works really well. I’m feeling more confident.

This seemed like it was gonna last forever. And I know to some degree it will, because it will kind of float around for a while until we have herd immunity. But I guess I can finally see the other side of this and it’s a relief.

I have had amazing sleep since I got it. I think part of that is just for the last year during this pandemic, I’ve been super stressed out and maybe in denial of it. But I slept like a baby the last few nights. Just a really deep restful sleep. It’s kind of amazing. I haven’t slept that well in months. I would love to be able to sleep this unbothered forever.

Today I finally had enough energy to do a bit of a tidy. Nothing super amazing, but my house cleaner is coming tomorrow, so I wanted him to at least have a basic jumping off point that doesn’t involve needing to ask me where a bunch of junk goes. I think I need to buy more garbage bags tho. I’m really excited to see what having a house cleaner does for my life. I’d love to feel unashamed of my house again ha ha. Especially if I start being able to date again after I am vaccinated.

I am thinking more about dating. I think I might be ready. I wrote something kinda bitter on facebook this week tho, so hopefully no one I like is reading that and going “Yikes! Not ready yet!”

More of my friends are getting vaccinated too since all Indigenous Adults in Ontario are up for our vaccines right now. So I’m hoping I can at least have a couple buddies to hang out with, especially for my birthday.

The vaccine clinics for Indigenous people seem to be word of mouth right now. I think it’s to keep fakers from getting in line. Ha ha Joseph Boyden getting a vaccine. OMG. But I do feel bad for people who don’t have the insider scoop for where to go. I only knew where to go because someone said he would message me when he heard about the next clinic happening. So that’s what happened. And I stood in the cold for two hours, it was miserable but no way was I gonna leave my spot in line. I didn’t go to the bathroom or anything. I just waited and waited and waited. And it worked.

Anyway that’s about it. I’m excited for when I get my next shot and my immunity goes up to nearly fully protected. I think it’s going to change my life. I’ve been living a very small quiet life for a year. Being as careful as I can. I’m not gonna run around with a bare face or anything, but I’ll probably take transit again. And go to the grocery store by myself. And probably go to other stores too. It would be nice to get out of the neighbourhood.

My next shot is near the beginning of April, so I should be more immune by my birthday. MY BIRTHDAY! It won’t be another COVID 19 Birthday! It will be a Vaccine Birthday ha ha. I will probably just hang out with a couple people I will know have had their shots by then too.

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