Thursday ramble (really nothing super interesting)

It’s Thursday! I’m struggling with some admin stuff (a particular online portal is giving me grief). I’ve continued submitting to a few film festivals. It’s nice to get something back out into the world. I feel like I’ve been coasting on the NDN survival trilogy videos since those are still extremely popular. But there’s other stuff I’ve made! Swear to god.

Anyway I also have two video games, although I think Bipolar Journey currently doesn’t have a home, and I know I have to update the code to get it going again. I may as well though, that is a very popular game of mine. I did update it to have my current name on it. But like, just to get it working again would be good and then people can play it from my account. And then people can throw dollars my way.

Sometimes I think I should be making way more money than I am. I have such a specialized set of skills. My brain is expensive. It deserves to get me paid more with all the training and learning and experience I have. Anyway, someday! I did have a good run for a while. And might again soon.

I’m thinking about projects right now and struggling with this script for something else. I need to get working at it, more seriously. I used to set a timer and FORCE myself to write and that was working for me, but admin tends to get in my way and take me off track. It would be nice to have some set hours in the week that were devoted just to creative time.

I still want a guitar! I’m hoping to get one later this month or early next month. I’ve been doing research. I want an electric acoustic guitar. Like basically an acoustic guitar I could plug in to an amp. But I wouldn’t get an amp right away, just the guitar because I want to play inside my home. For my dogs. My friend Riki took me to Long & McQuade in Saskatoon so I could look at all the guitars they had. It was very educational. I’ve wanted an acoustic guitar for a while, even though I don’t want to join a band with it. I just want to play music at home. Or maybe for a video. Also it would be helpful for my brain to expand and get a new skill/hobby.

I’m learning how to do a zoom with interpreters on it. It’s fairly straightforward but a lot of steps. I think it will be fine, I took notes while I was being told what to press etc.

There was a time in my life where I didn’t care about making notes. I mean sometimes I also forget. BUT notes are my favourite thing, especially since I have ADHD so sometimes things just kind of fall out of my brain.

I used to think I had memory problems because I was smoking weed. Then I quit for ten years or whatever and still had memory problems and was like “OH RIGHT I have disabilities.” So you live and learn I guess. Now I smoke weed again BUT I also don’t most of the time when I’m working AND I take notes. So things are better.

Todd better not chew or pee on my guitar. I wonder if there’s a rack I could hang it from on my wall? That would work better.

There’s really no urgent update today. Things are fine, I’m busy and fairly happy. I’m flirting with lots of people and walking my dogs and doing my work. And it’s summer which means going out in shorts and sleeveless shirts which is always fun. I had my fun vacation earlier this summer, so now it’s a lot of doing work to get ready for the fall. I do want to go to the beach or something though before September starts.

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