I fucking Hate Saskatchewan!!!!

If there is a good movie ever made, it will only get two nights screen time in Saskatoon (Paradise Now). HOWEVER if there is some really abysmal piece of celluloid shit on offer, it will be guaranteed a six month run (John Tucker Must Die is STILL playing!).

I have noticed this alarming trend since returning “home.” I use “home” in quotations because while my family is here this isn’t really my home at all and I know it. My home would have better movie goers, and more intelligent audiences.

So Death of a President was playing here. AND I knew it probably would have a week screentime, MAX!!! I asked people to go see it with me. I pleaded. I linked to previews of it. Nothing. Someone even suggested it would be american propaganda (yeah, cause assasinating a sitting president is always propaganda.) Fuck. So the upshot is, I fucking missed Death of a President.

Which means I am back to doing what I had to do when I was a teenager living in this buttfuck province of cinematic trogolodytes, I will have to go see movies by myself. Fuck all y’all, if you’re not going to see a movie with me I am seeing it by myself, and I refuse to spend any more money on those goddamn idiotic movies you all seem to prefer. So far I’ve missed Paradise Now, Death of a President, Idlewild, and I can’t even think of how many more. And don’t even fucking ask me to go see a movie with you if you aren’t a regular viewer of independent or foreign films. And don’t take me to a video store to pick out a movie with you either because I know you’ll pick out something crap and than wax romantic on how amazing it was.

I don’t think it will be any different when I make movies. I bet I will have only one screening in Saskatoon, and even then most of the people I know won’t come because they’ll be queing up for the latest Johnny Depp flick. FUCK YOU SASKATCHEWAN!!!!

One thought on “

  1. Hey – I didn’t get a call and I would have totally seen those with you! You’re just going to have to suck it up and declare you buddies social neanderthals adn either come see flicks with me – or go alone as I do. It’s not so bad really. at least you don’t have to wait for an ‘easter egg’ that you know won’t appear if you don’t want to…
    ehes and ohes,

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